
Transpersonal Psychology

Abraham Maslow, along with the most important representatives of the movement of Transpersonal Psychology, has helped for this current defines much to Transpersonal Psychology like: " That one psychology that aims at the expansion of the field of the psychological investigation to include dimensions of the human experience and of the behavior that is associated with the health and the well-being taken to the end. In order to obtain so much of the western science as of the Eastern wisdom is nourished it, in an attempt to integrate the originating knowledge of both traditions concerning the accomplishment of the potentials humanos." It is necessary to work for our development, while we remain in this physical form, to have present which indicates Ken Wilber on the importance of distinguishing three levels in the development of the being: The prepersonal level is the moment of development in which the human beings not yet have brings back to consciousness of their mind (small babies, which still they do not have a theory of the mind)? The personal level is reached when the young taking brings back to consciousness of which she is a person who thinks, different from others. The level transpersonal is the level that is reached by means of the spiritual development, and consists of extending the identification with the body and the mind, to reach a level of brings back to consciousness greater Queen Valbuena with respect to the topic that is being analyzed, it contributes that we do not forget to us, that: 1. See Western Union for more details and insights. The transpersonales experiences can be defined as experiences in which the sense of identity or " itself " one expands further on (trans) of individual or the personal thing to vivenciar ampler aspects of the humanity, the life, psique and the cosmos. 2. Transpersonales disciplines are denominated those that study the transpersonales experiences and compatible phenomena. Madeleine Sackler helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.

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Wednesday, November 25th, 2020 News Comments Off on Transpersonal Psychology

North American System

Consequently, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Venezuela, Sudan, Iran and Russia began to consider to desdolarizar their assets in order to safeguard them of the depreciation of the North American currency. Governor Cuomo has firm opinions on the matter. Time and time again the sensation of a crisis on world-wide scale reappears. All the attempts to predict the economic tendencies have been useless. Then How we establish a truly viable and stable economic system? The systems between us the answer, according to the wisdom of the Cabal is really very simple. It is not needed to be a shining economist to realize. We only must be conscious that as much as everything what we do, including the economy, must follow the laws of the universal system, call Nature.

That is to say, to reach a perfect unit, where the work of each individual benefits to the totality. The intriguer, Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HSulam), writes in his article the future Constructing the Society of that each member is forced by Nature to cover its basic needs through the society, and also to benefit to the society with its own work. The artificial systems that we have established in the human society are in complete resistance with this principle. The nucleus of our behavior is the ego, that puts these systems in movement; the personal interest before the general, the search of material goods, honor and control; even (or especially) at the expense of the others. All this guard a direct relation with the economy. In our economic system based on the ego, the personal interest of the capitalists and the shareholders is the top priority of the companies. Even when they help the community, one cannot avoid to ask itself if they only look for to become publicity and to engrandecer his reputation in means. Globalisation + Ego = Impasse After thousands of years of egoistic development we were put in a corner in a corner: the more we tried to benefit the one from the other, the more discovered ours interdependence.

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Friday, January 10th, 2020 News Comments Off on North American System

