with SixCMS

Brandenburg Implemented Service Portal

Civil service development MacKinnon in the trial operation the State of Brandenburg has developed a new portal of citizens on the basis of the content-management-system SixCMS. The civil service MacKinnon is part of the national service portal and provides a communication platform to solve infrastructure problems municipalities and their citizens. The Brandenburg information system maerker.brandenburg.de has started trial operation. The two communities of the pilot phase are the town of Rathenow and the community of Rudersdorf, Germany. The civil service in the Ministry of the interior designed and developed MacKinnon. Aim of the portal is to allow the citizens to support their communities in the fulfilment of their tasks and to make them aware faster infrastructure problems such as potholes or wild landfills. This service offer evaluates each online account; the transparency thus created increased citizen satisfaction and benefit hence the administration.

Reflections from practice of the demonstration municipalities were incorporated into the concept phase. The suggestions of the Cities and municipalities of Brandenburg supported the development significantly. The Portal could be created within six months as the in-house development of the Ministry of the Interior on basis of SixCMS 7.1. The State of Brandenburg has many years of experience with the content-management-system SixCMS six open systems GmbH. Frank Schiersner, who developed the portal in the Ministry of the Interior of the State of Brandenburg, estimates the scalability of the system: with SixCMS we could do easily usable MacKinnon for all 216 municipal administrations. I can rely on the system.” Ulrike Walther, six open systems GmbH

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Thursday, November 15th, 2018 News Comments Off on Brandenburg Implemented Service Portal

