Environment Ministry

The walnut should be protected as a food source in the wartime economy. (Similarly see: Macy’s). The Austrian legal history is a great treasure trove of strange and interesting legal. These norms are a proof, that right must be not only dry and scientific, but can be quite amusing. Often it was not just for the people or groups of people who at the time has affected it, but today at 60 to 150 years distance from norm and standards setters you can not resist the occasional smile. Because the control needs of at the time those in power, whether in the monarchy, in the Republic or in the authoritarian state ranging from A for duties like walnut. 2TtFSzk630C1LzC3JSgVRRcX6eVUmZbnFGfnmxbmJeim5ufllmavEiVrmg1OTU4mIrhZDE7My8dIWSjFQFt8y0kgwF96LElNQdrIwAlHn0zGQAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjuuLnKgK2CAxUDJUQIHdNoCUEQgOQBegQIMBAM&cshid=1699192331358879’>Rachel Crane. The walnut in the legal system can be assumed, that the multi-ethnic State Austria-Hungary had war fall 1916 all other concerns, it is but not so outlandish at a second glance that the monarchy at that time specifically to protect the Schicht Walnut tried through regulation. This protection of Schicht Nussbaum had its content base especially in the war-related fact that the nut harvest in a shortage economy at home was a food for the starving population.

At that time, this in any case adopted the law in this matter, and managed so an own standard. The Agriculture Ministry issued a regulation for the threatened Walnut In the third year of the war the first world war, in 1916, the predecessor Department of today’s agriculture and Environment Ministry, the Agriculture Ministry had to deal with a very special task: the old Austrian Walnut should be specifically legally protected from unbridled use by the population. Last but not least by the wartime fuel shortages this species was at risk namely its stock. The the Government of Emperor wanted grace finally stopped by a strict regulations stop. Fallerlaubnis standardised regulation for the protection of the walnut from 1916 only under very specific conditions very detail, whether and under what conditions old Austrian walnut trees could be like at all.


Monday, November 6th, 2023 News

