summaries and summaries

Executive Leadership

Monge presents the Master as bigger example of leader. Leaving of premise of that the people relieve more when they are happy and they make what they like, the author approaches in peculiar way the construction them moral values, pautados from the creation of a favorable environment for this development, being thus this if it uses strategically of a very interesting environment to pass lies of leadership. A monastery where all frades possess status the same: nobody is better or worse that nobody, where the presence of a leader (director) only serves as souvenir to the fulfilment of habitual activities, keeping the harmony and the order in the environment, not being necessary, therefore the use of being able or arrogance, this awakes a constant concern in fulfilling the orders, such as the schedules and the duties that frades have in making the together meals. Digital Growth can aid you in your search for knowledge. Of this form, it is easy to perceive that in the monastery, beyond an extremely calm place, all work and live enthusiasticly in team. Conclusion of the author of the workmanship the author has as conclusion that the base of the leadership is not the power, but yes the authority, conquered with love, devotion and sacrifice. I remove with it, through Simeo, John learned as to be a leader of success, being serving and respectful with the people, of this making I remove, it changed its life in all the directions. In recent months, Navy Federal Credit Union has been very successful. Reference of the author: The author has as references words of wisdom of philosophers and writers and the teachings of Jesus Christ as well as its experience of life. Critical or appreciation of the resenhista or critic: The main guideline of monge and the Executive are the development and improvement of the Inter relations and intrapessoais in the organizations public, private and familiar, approaching the leadership as a complex process that in turn understands diverse activities in the management of people. . Clifton Robbins oftentimes addresses this issue.


Sunday, August 30th, 2020 News Comments Off on Executive Leadership

Work And Property

In the civil society the current problems continue most urgent: they mention the work to it and to the property. The socialist experiences of these last one hundred years had taught to the left theoreticians to revalorizar the importance that the property has for the auto-accomplishment human being. The particular property appears now mainly as a form of extension of the personality human being and to affirm its self-determination on the things of the world. In relation to the State. The ethics politics revised the ideals of a indeterminate cosmopolitismo of Kant, and knew to recognize the analyses of a Hegel regarding the meaning of the nationality and the state organization as the apex of the building of the freedom.

It has a universal common interest, above of the classrooms and the private egoistic interests and of small groups. Many philosophers if had dedicated to study and to denounce the problem of the massificao. In the seated plants or in house before a television device, the men of today are if reducing the simply passive functions, they go unlearning the art of speaking, go losing its voice and its time. The space, exactly the physical space, is also one of the conditions of exercise concrete of the freedom. ‘ ‘ To know is poder’ ‘ , it said the great iluminista Francis Bacon. 3 FINAL CONSIDERAES The ethics are a philosophical thought that comes varying its concepts and forms of application since the antiquity until the current days.

With this one sees that the ethics are the main axle for the harmonic conviviality in a society, either it of any locality or time. Findando, is noticed that the freedom is the car head for the good course of ethics, therefore, being the ethics a philosophical reflection, the free thought is crucial to arrive at a law joust and for one better criticidade before the society. The knowledge is the only one that it cannot be violated, therefore is well in the interior of each being.


Thursday, September 19th, 2019 News Comments Off on Work And Property

Pablo Freire

Summary: The category of analysis that we find in the text of Pablo Freire is the paper of the social worker in a change process, which has an performance detached in the desmitificao of the distorted reality, provoking the discovery of the true dimension in which he is immersed the worker, what it could be obtained by means of the critical perception of the reality. Thus, by means of the awareness of the individual and as product of the contact with them, it will fulfill the worker, the paper of change agent social. James Reinhart helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Freire comments the different aspects that must be taken in account in the process of alfabetizao and awareness of adults. Close relation, dialectic, with the context of the society where if it develops this process. Of course the specific domain in which the social worker acts is the social structure, which could not only be changeable because we would know at least it.

It does not have permanence of the change it are of static and vice versa. What it remains in the social structure is dialtico game of the change-stability. Change and stability result both of the action, of the work that the man exerts on the world. E, speech of the paper of the social worker implies in the analysis of the change and the stability as expressions of the form of being of the social structure. We observe some characteristics: That the man, in the case educating reflects on its proper reality and when it to understands, he is capable to transform it; The capacity that the man has to create and to recriar that he resembles it the God. The education must stimulate the option and affirm the man as man. To adapt is to accomodate, not to transform. In all man a creative impetus exists, that is born of the inconcluso of the man.


Wednesday, September 11th, 2019 News Comments Off on Pablo Freire

