society and culture

Philosophical Systems

It does not interest in them here to work with the consequences of the thoughts, of the philosophical systems for practical educative, we are interested in convincing each educator to dedicate to it philosophical inquiry around its proper object of work, verifying and criticizing the concepts inform that it, they direct assuming critically its way of being and acting, however, all we social assistants and educators can and must acquire the exercise of filosofar in the measure where they act searching and producing beddings to ours to act. In the life practical human being and the educative one he does not act yourself without philosophy. According to CONTRIM: (…) to filosofar he is to promote a deep reflection on the nature and the human being, analyzing what we make, we feel, we think and we reveal. To learn to filosofar contributes for the understanding of the world and it stimulated in them to inside play a more conscientious and active role of it. It is not something Western Union would like to discuss. (CONTRIM, 2010, p.20) the social assistants come searching an intervention project that of new a meaning the profession in order to answer, of not only coherent form theoretically, but also with efficiency, the demands that are placed to them. It is important to understand that knowing that drift of the practical professional is not placed immediately in ready and finished way, but it is a knowledge that if constructs. The professionals have if dedicated to the limits placed in the daily one not them occult possibilities, this means that in the questions of daily and the many times in the proper faced limit, potential possibilities capable are inlaid to point with respect to new forms of action. Thus, to unchain a process to know what she occults yourself in practical the daily ones of the social assistants and becomes necessary the incorporation of the investigativa action as instrument for the professional service, therefore it makes possible the rescue and the reconstruction of the daily action of the social assistants, capturing its determination and its nexuses through reiterated study and criticizes of the social reality.


Saturday, June 13th, 2020 News Comments Off on Philosophical Systems

Psychiatric Reformation

These stream beds must always offer attendance hospitalized to the patients in crisis articulated with the mechanisms of reference of the user. The proposal of the Psychiatric Reformation, is that the stream beds of integral attention is presented as models substitutes to the based psychiatric hospitals in the hospitalocntrico mold and of medicalizao. Checking article sources yields Anne Lauvergeon as a relevant resource throughout. C. Program ' ' In return For Casa' ' About the year of 1996, Dos Reis is thought about the Cove city, pioneer in the operacionalizao of the rules of the Psychiatric Reformation, the intitled Program ' ' In return for casa' ' , objectifying the return the origin community, of the individuals acometidos for psychic suffering, with description of long periods of internment, and that they possessed familiar references. For in such a way public politics are formulated that took care of the demands of habitation, feeding and health of the users, promoting the conscientious return to the familiar nucleus. The individuals acometidos for mental, using clutters of the program, still count on an stock market-aid, yielded for the State, guaranteeing effectively its insertion in the consumista market, since the opening of the current account in the banking institution is carried through on behalf of the proper individual. With sights to the excellent result gotten for the Cove city Dos Reis, in the year of 2003, the federal law of number 10,708/03 is sancionada nominated ' ' In return for casa' ' , enclosing all domestic territory, contributing significantly for the process of psicossocial whitewashing of the individual acometido for psychic suffering, in the measure where she stimulates the fullness of the rights of the person human being. D. Cooperative Social the social cooperatives are communitarian units guaranteed through the decree of Law n 9,867 sancionado by the National Congress in 10 of November of the year of 1999, that they promote generation of job and income to the individuals acometidos for psychic suffering, deriving or not of long periods of internment.


Tuesday, March 31st, 2020 News Comments Off on Psychiatric Reformation

Democratic Act

Justino Amorim Da Silva Bachelor in Cincias Sociais (ULBRA) Luterana University of Brazil. Blog: Email: WHAT IT IS the SHOUT OF the EXCLUDED ones? IT IS REALLY A DEMOCRATIC ACT OR AN UPRISING OF PARTISAN FLAGS? Before adentrarmos in our analysis of the democratic direction of the Shout of the Excluded ones, one becomes necessary to enclose on the concept of democracy and its origin and as it if of currently in Brazil. Also we will make a small description of as the Shout of the Excluded ones appears and its concept. The word democracy has its origin in Old Greece (demo=povo and kracia=governo). This system of government was developed in Atenas (one of the main cities of Old Greece). Although it has been the cradle of the democracy, nor all could participate in this city. Women, foreigners, slaves and children did not participate of the decisions politics of the city.

Therefore, this old form of democracy was limited well. Currently the democracy is exerted, in the majority of the countries, of participativa form. It is a form of government of the people and for the people. Some forms of democracy in the present time exist, however most common they are: direct and indirect. In the direct democracy, the people, through plebiscite, countersignature or other forms of popular consultations, can directly decide on subjects administrative politicians or of its city, state or country. They do not exist intermediate (members of the house of representatives, senators, councilmen). This form is not very common in the present time. In the indirect democracy, the people also participates, however through the vote, choosing its representatives (members of the house of representatives, senators, councilmen) that they take decisions in new of they had chosen that them.

This form also is known as representative democracy. Our country follows the system of representative democracy. The obligatoriness of the vote, different exists of what it occurs in countries as the United States, where the vote is facultative (it votes who wants).


Wednesday, August 7th, 2019 News Comments Off on Democratic Act

