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English Choose

If you already thought about the possibility of attending a school of English abroad, you cannot discard, of your possible options, to realise an English course Ireland. In the last years, this country has specialized in the education of the language it has done and it of a surprising way. To study in Ireland is the ideal option; because he is calmer than England, and the education that offers is more customized. Then, if you decide to study in Ireland, you have several forms to choose the place of ideal study for you. You can choose, for example, according to the region where you would like to live, or that one that you more wanted to know. You can study in the capital: Dublin, or in some locality of the rear area. If you study in Dublin, you can right in the center do it or in a residential district. Also you can choose according to the type from school which you want to attend.

They are those more traditional, than they insist on the academic aspect of the formation. And they exist, on the other hand, the schools more technicians, for those who it interests to them to fortify the practical part of the learning. That is to say, they put special attention in the oral language, listening and the sign language. Also the greetings and expressions of each region are focused in, and in the daily vocabulary. Another form to choose your school, is according to the type of course that you want to realise. Here you can find manifolds options. Generally, we can classify them in three branches: the courses long play, to learn and to handle with fluidity the language; the courses to render examinations in the outside; and the courses of short duration, to have a superficial idea of the language and power to defend itself in a place of English speech. Within the first heading you have group or individual classes, or also you can combine both.

In addition, you can choose between courses of a year or six months. Also you have, within this option, the common courses or the courses for executives. Classes exist, in addition, where English technician dictates itself, specific for different labor scopes. In the second item, we have the courses that they offer to the student the tools necessary to render examinations of international validation. For example, the examination TOFEL. And last they are the intensive courses or semi intensive, of short duration. The same vary between the 15 and 30 classes, and usually they are dictated in the course of one or two months. The student can choose to attend the academy, or that the particular professor goes to his house.


Wednesday, September 21st, 2016 News Comments Off on English Choose

Latin America

In 1960-1996 Guatemala one lived on the worse internal wars than Latin America has whipped. There 200.000 people died, most of Mayan civil they. Many thought that the wounds of this conflict were going away to heal after the aim of the bipolarity and by the fact that the old guerrilla went away connecting to the liberal democracy. The arrival of Alvaro Colom as the first Social-Democratic president of the country generated expectations that in the country tender could bridges between native communities that underwent massacres and the State. Nevertheless, a strong crisis has exploded.

The detonating has been the murder of Rosenberg lawyer, who, shortly before dying recorded a video in which he alerted that if he were victimado he would be by order of the President and his wife. The opposition has presented/displayed 30.000 companies having asked that the presidential immunity stops. Sunday were two opposed marches. One against the government and in who the predominant sectors were of clear complexion and middle-class or upper. The other was in favor of the agent chief executive and composed by humble people and of cobriza complexion. The government has sent the speech of which Guatemalas exists a confrontation between two: the one of the poor men and the one of the rich ones, and that what there is a conspiracy coup participant of the right and the narcotics detectives.

The polarization can worsen. The Group of River does not want that Colom falls. Although EE.UU or the countries of the region would not accept a military revolt preaches, it of the fight of classes could animate to that the old social bases of the left are radicalized.


Friday, September 9th, 2016 News Comments Off on Latin America

Letter De Ventas

The work party of in its interest to find which are the variables that allow that a bill of sale produces a considerable increase in its ratio of conversion found a small list of 10 variables (without order in particular) that you must try in his bill of sale so that she can produce significant increases in his ratio of conversion. Some of these recommendations can get to be absolutely controversial (Because often they go against which recommends many Expert and what many salesmen create). 1. Bill of sale releases versus bill of sale cuts. The conventional belief of direct marketing is that the long letter always wins on the short letter. Good, not always. It is demonstrated that while the long letter desire on the short letter in some cases, the short letter has major effectiveness that the long letter in other cases. By all means, it will depend much on the quality of the letter.

The unique way to verify Which works better? , it is to try with both. It does not have to assume in automatic that the long letter it will work better for its site, does not matter what they say some to him Expert of marketing. 2. Logos of credibility. To affiliate themselves with organizations like Better Bussiness Bureau (BBB) or Hacker Safe and to unfold their logos in their Web site, can increase significantly their conversions. But, it does not have to assume that this it will be always the case, perhaps this acts negatively reducing therefore the conversions. So, it must make sure to prove first these logos before adding them to its site. 3. Securing through orders of purchase or cart of purchase. It tries adding some lines of content on orders of purchase or cart of purchase to inform to them to its visitors on the security of its financial and personal information into its purchases, this will increase the conversions.


Tuesday, July 5th, 2016 News Comments Off on Letter De Ventas

In Spite Of Desplome In The Price Of Petrobra

In spite of the collapse in the price of petroleum, Petrobra’s bets strong Buenos Aires, Argentina 26 of January of 2009 Doubts that do not fit, in the present situation of the world-wide economy, the incentive to invest in the oil sector is much smaller of those than they existed until half of the 2008. The price of petroleum hardly touching to 40 US$ the barrel (a sincerely unimaginable level a pair of months back), and with perspective to continue throughout depressed 2009 and part of 2010, causes that the projects of investment in the petroliferous area are much less profitable that when the barrel of crude quoted almost four times more than its present level. In spite of it, several companies of the sector continue realising investments and betting to expand taking advantage of this time uncertainty and depression, to replace itself in the world-wide market of crude.Thus it is that at the end of the month of December it commented in an article the crisis to them restrains to Colombia, but not to ECOPETROL, the projects of the oil one Colombian ECOPETROL (BVC: ECOPETROL; NYSE: EC), that had decided to increase their plans of investment for the 2009. ECOPETROL announced at the end of 2008 investments by US$ 6,224 million for presents/displays year, three times more of the inverted thing in the 2007 (and a 35% more than in 2008). As well as ECOPETROL in Colombia tries to expand and to grow to also obtain that the country autoabastezca of crude and is net even exporter, Petrobra’s (BVSP: PETR3; NYSE: PBR), contemplates to invest to US$ 174,400 million during period 2009-2013, according to presented the past Friday takes their president, Jose Sergio Gabrielli. The investments of the new plan represent an increase of compared 54% with those of quinquennium 2008-2012 (that promoted to US$ 112,000 million). s_stmp’>Primerica: the source for more info.


Thursday, June 30th, 2016 News Comments Off on In Spite Of Desplome In The Price Of Petrobra


One remembers, that the fable already was cultivated in Mesopotamia, two thousand years to us before ours was. Clay tables that come from scholastic libraries of the time briefly count histories of astute vixens, unfortunate dogs and presumptuous elephants. . Many of these texts show a great affinity with the proverbs by their antithetic construction, but they do not own an explicit moral. In the Greek antiquity, the first fable is well-known, like the one of the ruiseor, it told to Hesiod around century VIII a.c it in the works and the days, and it already owns the intention to make reflect on justice. Although in Homero there are no fables, his comparisons with animal already own in nuce the germ of the sort. The OX AND the MOSQUITO In the horn of an ox a mosquito settled.

After to remain long short while there, when going away to his flight it asked the ox if one were glad that finally one left. The ox responded to him: – Nor I knew that you had come. I will not notice either when you go away. What is learned of it? One says that to happen through the life, without giving him nothing to the life, is to be insignificant. LEON, the VIXEN AND the Tired and old WOLF the king lion, remained ill in his cave, and the other animal, except the vixen went, it to visit. Taking advantage of the occasion the visit, the following thing accused the wolf to the vixen expressing: – It does not have by our height any respect, and for that reason not even she has approached to salute or to ask for his health.

At that precise moment the vixen arrived, just in time to hear what has been said by the wolf. Then the lion, furious when seeing it, sent a ferocious shout against the vixen; but she, requested the word to justify herself, and said: – She tell me, among all the visits that you have here, who has given so special service you as the one that I have done, that I throughout looked for doctors who with their wisdom prescribed an ideal remedy to you for curarte, finding it finally? – And which is that remedy? , I occurred it immediately. Orden the lion. – You must sacrifice to a wolf and ponerte its skin as shelter responded the vixen. Immediately the wolf was condemned until death, and the vixen, ***reflxing mng itself exclaimed: – To the landlord it is not necessary to take it towards the resentment, but towards the benevolence What includes? Who tends traps for the innocents, she is first in falling in them.

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Wednesday, March 30th, 2016 News Comments Off on Mesopotamia

Present Scene Management

Basic majorities, considerations Each country presents/displays his own economic and commercial characteristics, where it is pronounced a dynamic scene, that includes opportunities, changes, challenges, threats and in which the companies that in operate, must be prepared to evolve, of such form, that it favors to them and collaborate with the economic development of the surroundings where they develop. Venezuela our case, appears with a full scene of opportunities, but also of threats, that demands the one that the companies they count on a management able to confront the challenges, that of passage to the changes that are required to aim of to participate dynamically in a more and more aggressive competitiveness, due to the new economic openings that the present government has generated, thus, like the crisis who confronts, product of unproductive an enterprise sector, that has originated that foreign companies penetrate with more facility, offering their products, and causing in this way to that it is pronounced a dependency of alarming import Certain, that the companies that still maintain their productivity if they want to remain in the market must count on a trade management, able of to cause more aggressive plans, guaranteed with the new tendencies that this function has developed and to lean in strategies, action, tactics that allow to satisfy the demands that the Venezuelan consumer demands. Definitively, Venezuela confronts uncertainty surroundings, with uncertainty, risk, turbulence, that must very be taken into account by the management, and in this case by which the one concerns to us of trade, who it will have to take into account this situation and to adapt the strategies at the indicated moment, thus to be able to compete with the other companies. Management of market He is advisable, before the commercial reality of the present, where actions occur, participation of proactive, innovating, aggressive the functions of markets in form, that they cause a new style to satisfy the needs with the consumer, it gives aim to develop successful in competitive commercial dynamics, to count on a management of markets that is had well defined, its profile, profile competitions, abilities.


Tuesday, January 21st, 2014 News Comments Off on Present Scene Management


The ground stabilization becomes because the land does not meet the physical training conditionses necessary to use it with the aim that we have decided. Depending if the ground is going to be used for laying of foundations of a construction or a pavement, the used treatment and materials will be different. The lime is one of used and more useful products more for the ground stabilization, but this material is not been worth for all type of ground. Therefore, first that we must do it is to investigate of what our ground is made up later to question to us whereupon material to stabilize it. Generally the argillaceous fine grain grounds that exceed the 10% of plasticity, are the perfect ones for the stabilization with lime. The lime has the characteristic of being able to stabilize subgrazing the empelado fine ground as or is based and this later creates an important layer for the pavement and the stabilization.

Although we could speak of two types of ground stabilization with lime: Subrasante: it creates a layer that protects and requires the lime addition from 3 to 6% in weight of dry ground. Bases. The stabilization of bases is used when the pile is not absolutely suitable for the new road construction or usually fixes old ways that are aggravated. In order to know itself you have applied the good lime and if the stabilization has been correct, you must observe the effect of the time and therefore you will see that the capacity of endurance of the ground, is correct.

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Saturday, June 23rd, 2012 News Comments Off on Stabilization

