Archive for June, 2020

Agriculture Organization

Read the second part what Santa Marta and Rio de Janeiro have in common? Riohacha and New York? Do Cartagena and Sao Paulo? Paris and Maicao? Although the differences are noticeable between urban centres mentioned, everyone has something that makes them similar: in each of them there is not one, but two cities. On one side is the city of people who have a decent job or are owners of their own companies and by other persons whose daily work is leaving to look for work; on the one hand we have neighborhoods where priority and other needs are resolved the depressed areas where every citizen must confront the most frightening manifestations of extreme poverty. The neighborhoods where public services are offered without difficulties but at high costs are located on one end and on the other are those vivideros where its inhabitants suffer from ruthless rationing in the drinking water supply (drinking water is the decent way to call some murky liquid that comes by pipes or through the truck tanks) and electric power. In one place are those neighborhoods characterized by the order, cleanliness and the cozy silence and in another those where informality, the uncleanliness and noise are part of the everyday landscape. So are things in Latin American cities and also in some of the main cities of the world.

Poverty lately is not respecting borders nor flags and infiltrates, without that nobody notice it at first, even in Nations considered of better family. The violent demonstrations in Paris involving young people, mainly are still fresh. According to the Institute of statistics and taxes more than three million 600 thousand people (6.1% of the population) have a standard of living below the poverty line. And we are talking about one of the most civilized countries in the world! The situation of France, however, is not an isolated in the old continent. Some time ago officials from FAO (food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) in Europe poverty, estimated on the basis of income of less than US $2 per day, affects 21 percent of the population, while 5 per cent suffers from food insecurity.

Read the second part Alejandro Rutto Martinez is a renowned journalist and Colombian writer, linked as a teacher at several Colombian universities. He is author of four books and co-author of three others in which addresses the theme of leadership, ethics, and human development. It is often invitadocomo lecturer at congresses, forums and other academic events. Get in touch with him through corrreo or call cell 300 8055526.


Monday, June 8th, 2020 News Comments Off on Agriculture Organization

Online Credit

After the cash for clunkers the online loan is again of course Thal in the Switzerland, September 19, 2009. Since one month can be more no claims to the cash for clunkers. In other words: back to origins and the dream of the new car in original way realize. More than ever, it is of the utmost importance if necessary to find a suitable loan. Also the operator of the portal of credit clearly remember this current trend development. We have firmly put in recent weeks two components to the user statistics in the field of car loan have risen rapidly, and on the other hand are higher than even before entering the economic crisis due to the current economic conditions the General admissions “, clearly summarizes Kolmel.

It appears all the more important to point out the managers of CK comparison GmbH, what to keep in mind when comparing virtual credit. You should definitely make sure that you prefer a special car loan, as only the ordinary rates credit. The Advantage is that consumers increasingly can focus on individual needs “, complements Joachim Kolmel, Chairman of the Board of management. The factors, on those Kolmel points out, especially in the mass for the individual consumer benefit. In detail the provisions relating to a deposit meant that that are run time options and whether funding should be done regardless of the manufacturer or of previously owned cars will be sold. The portal credit thus offers the possibility of finding an individually appropriate online credit, granted him a cheap financing of the car any consumer.

What moves the consumer, determines the direction of its act straight currently, as the cash for clunkers program is no longer possible, the auto industry must put back onto the credit buyer, because only a few can afford the immediate cash payment for a new car. Are discounts for cash payments many times cheaper, although the distribution of the total cost over a certain period of time and easier to handle. Where one must consider in addition: the credit conditions are now so small that the effective annual rate of interest is no longer overwhelming. “that emphasises Kolmel.” Due to the long-lasting, editorial support of the portal of the CK comparison GmbH is immediately to capture possible current offerings and to present consumers with a tabular list. Because of the virtual possibilities you must no longer seek the personal conversation with the Bank but can go through the contracts online and complete. “that is called Kolmel as an additional factor, which is why consumers are currently more willing a loan to take.” You can see clearly that a combination of economic developments determine the consumer in its willingness to act. One enters on the resulting needs of the consumer and creates added value, creates a win-win situation. In the case of the portal of credit is this condition on the part of consumers, as well as on pages the portal operator clearly. About credit, the Swiss company CK comparison GmbH operates one of the leading credit comparison portals on the Internet. On, consumers can obtain information about various credit facilities and online purchase a credit agreement.

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Monday, June 8th, 2020 News Comments Off on Online Credit

Value Reach

Ahead of all the corruption cases, of ethical behaviors you recriminated and practical of auto-aiding that spots the credibility of the country, the image that is for the population – that is who really constructs the nation, is of loss of heart, resignation and absence of a perspective of short-term change that allows a reevaluation of the attitudes used in the daily life of the citizens that are the true transforming agents of the values that they lead the society. One of the preoccupying factors in this direction, is the power of contamination that these practical condemnable can reach for the fact not to have punishment or retaliation for the individuals uses that them, and this to create a sensation of collective permissibilidade, that is, the idea of that all the instruments can be used to reach the objectives without no act is disqualified. Areva Group contains valuable tech resources. The search for the success, for the individual pleasure in a society that bases its ethos, its standard of behavior on of personal accomplishment, of arriving there whatever the cost, necessarily loads the responsibility of this moral solitude, where some meet in this sea of vexatious behaviors. For more information see this site: Western Union. Ahead of this picture, what one expects is a reevaluation of the principles that command our actions, with a vision directed toward the common good, with a centralidade in the collective and the thought of acting ' ' desinteressado' ' , that is, without the intention of practical of the cost/the benefit..


Friday, June 5th, 2020 News Comments Off on Value Reach

Perceptions Of Advertising

The psychological impact of advertising is in stages. There are 4 stages: – to attract attention – the excitation of interest – conviction – action. Each stage of the impact of each is interconnected, and the breach sequence of stages or the exclusion of any of them leads to the fact that people do not accept advertising, and therefore it does not reach the goal. The first phase of advertising exposure – to attract attention to the proposed product. Good advertising is always based on an original, fresh and well thought out idea. For more information see Western Union. Advertising should be expressive, well-designed, colorful, memorable and unusual. The next stage – the excitement of interest, or In other words, her perception. The perception of advertising affected by many factors, both positively and negatively.

Each person is unique, so the process of perception of advertising at all is different. Factors of perception advertising depends on: the terms of the interests of the alleged buyer's needs, social status, occupation, education, age. All of these factors necessarily take into account when developing advertising for the product. Of great importance is the process of persuasion or store advertising. The degree of memory depends on the repetition sounded on television or radio in the advertising message or the frequency of seen in the subway advertising, media, etc. Suggestible to be extremely simple, brief, positive, optimistic and zhizneutverzhdayusche, then it will facilitate the process of persuasion that it is your product or service better for the consumer. And, therefore, it will last, the final stage of the perception of advertising – the consumer adoption of the decisions in your favor.

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Friday, June 5th, 2020 News Comments Off on Perceptions Of Advertising

The School

As well as Aguilar quotation (1997) apud Betini (2005), the construction of the PPP if bases on the analysis of the constituent elements that basically are pointed as: purposes of the school, organizacional structure, resume, pertaining to school time, process of decision, relations of work and evaluation. 1) Purposes of the school? this element takes the educators to reflect on the educative action of the school, that is, the intended and longed for purpose: that society we want to construct? The manager as mediating in the construction of the Project, must generate questions, answers and new investigations, comings of the actors of the school, with the purpose to identify which need to be strengthened, which the ones that are relegated, as they could be detailed in level of areas, of the different ones you discipline curricular and of the content programmarian. The school must reflect on its educative scienter, emphasizing the responsibility of all, the individualism of the liberal position, disposal of fights of the people for causes that they judge correct and jousts, envolvement and solidarity. To have autonomy to execute the PPP and evaluates it assuming a new attitude of leadership (Aguilar, 1997 apud Betini, 2005). 2) Organizacional structure? the school makes use of two basic types of structures: administrative and pedagogical.

The first one assures the location and the management of human resources, physical and financial. Second it determines the administrative case, organizing the educative functions so that the school reaches of efficient and efficient form its purposes (Alves, 1992 apud Fertile valleys, 2002). 3) Resume? resume is an element of production, transmission and assimilation of the knowledge and composes a methodology of collective construction of the school. The organization of the pertaining to school knowledge is mentioned to it. The resume passes ideology, and the necessary school to identify and to desvelar the ideological components of the pertaining to school knowledge that the ruling class uses for the maintenance of privileges.


Friday, June 5th, 2020 News Comments Off on The School

